




Will help you to reach your true purpose and fulfill your journey called "Life".

To simply live the life your meant to live, called your 'Destiny'

Energy Balancing and Chakra Alignment 

Through Energy Balancing Massage & Energy Work

Energy Massage & Energy Therapy

Energy work will restore the mind body connection in order to promote the Ultimate therapeutic massage experience.

The Charka Spa

 Evaluates emotional blockages, dysfunctional energy patterns, and how they are affecting the physical body & individuals life.

The Charka Healing Center promotes healing spiritualy, physicly, mentaly, emtionaly. Healing the mind, body spirit.

Improving The Quality Of Ones Life.

These services are a transforming healing process that renews and improves a person’s health, life style and over all well-being. 


Spiritual Healing therapy is a holistic healing method that releases unwanted or blocked energy from negative forces or experiences to let divine direct posstive energy flow back into your spirit, your life again.

Each spiritual healing session will relax your mind, elevate your senses, and bring you closer to inner peace and joy.

35+ minutes

$270 +


The Chakras Connect Our Mind, Body, and Spirit. They Are The Core Inner Energy, That Direct Our Life and Generate The Situations In Our Life.

What are Chakras?

The word Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel, or disc. Chakras are spinning wheels of energy in your body. There are 7 major chakras, or energy centers in your body, and each chakra regulates different aspects of your life.

These chakras are aligned starting at the base of your spine and move up the spinal column to the crown of your head. They regulate the energy flow of your body, so if one becomes blocked you may experience symptoms such as low energy, feeling stuck, despair, lost, cofused, depressed, heartache, hopless emotional feelings, unmotivated, etc., depending on the chakra that’s blocked.

Will assess whether your chakras are balanced and healthy. Will guide, educate and give you tools to keep your chakras in balance and alignment. When there is negativety an imbalance in your chakra system, it will eventually manifest in your body, affecting your emotions, thoughts, and your life.

The Process

For a chakra balancing session you’ll lay on the massage table fully clothed on your back. Your enegery healer will then place chakra crystals on each of your 7 chakra points on your body. During a chakra balancing session your energy healer will remove any blocks in your chakras and balance them, so your energy is flowing again. You may feel energy moving in your body as we balance each one. After the session you may feel lighter, rebalanced, and reenergized.

It will release of blocked emotional energy, old patterns and negative emotions. After the emotional Chakra Healing Sessions, You will see your life move forward in the direction that you set forth during your chakra clearing session.

30 minutes+

$350 +

The Seven Chakras

1. Root Chakra - located at the base of the Spine. The root chakra represents your identity in the world, and how you see yourself. It also regulates survival issues, such as finances, food, and shelter, the basic needs necessary to survive in the world.

2. Spleen Chakra - located in the lower abdomen about 2 inches below the naval. Regulates your emotions, passion, sexuality and creativity in your world.

3. Solar Plexus Chakra - located in the upper area of the abdomen. This is your Power center, where your confidence, self-worth, self-esteem and the ability to control our lives comes from.

4. Heart Chakra - located in the center of the chest just above the heart. This is where you have the ability to love and be loved. All types of love and loss, from spiritual love, unconditional love, joy, peace to the opposite of love such as grief, loneliness, and hate reside here.

5. Throat Chakra - Located in the throat. Regulates how we communicate in the world. Our ability to communicate our feelings, self-expression and truth whether in a negative or positive way.

6. Brow Chakra - Located in the center of the forehead between the eyes, also known as the third eye.  Having intuition and the ability to see from a spiritual perspective. Imagination, wisdom, intelligence and your ability to think and make a decision. Divine ideas and wisdom come through.

7. Crown Chakra - Located at the very top of the head. This is where we’re connected to the Divine, and the ability to live our lives Spiritually. It’s also our connection to the angelic or spirit realm.


Sound Is An Energy Medicine That Creates A Sacred Space Where People Can Heal From Stress, Emotional and Physical Disorders, Pain, and Depression.

What are Virtual Sound Healing Servies Like?

Tuning forks, bells, Tibetan singing bowls, voice and medation music are played all around your body and on your chakras (energy centers) which vibrates at a frequency to release blocked emotions within the body.

Clients are asked to wear comfortable clothing without buttons, zippers or jewelry. Within that hour session, Malina uses her intuitive counsel to help the client understand repetitive patterns, belief systems and emotions that are bringing disharmony and disease.

This servies allows indivils to heal from acute stress, chronic anxity, body pain, depression, heartache, grief, truma. Ecaping the emotional roller coaster.

How does sound frequency healing work?

As your brain waves synchronize to the vibrations of the sound, you become relaxed and centered. The harmonic sound healing vibrations engage the relaxation reflex and slow down the respiratory, brain and heart rate and disrupt the pain reflex, creating a deep sense of well-being.

What are the benefits of Virtual Sound Healing Services?

After sessions, clients experience improved memory from brain fog, gain clarity, vitality, focoused and the ability to take action and move forward. Many report experiencing from sound healing a deep sense of tranquility and peace of mind. Relaxed, revitilized, sound sleep and feeling the calming effects of the treatment for several days.

45 + minutes

$275 +


A sound bath session is a full body, mind, and spirit experience where one taps into their chakras, a deeper state of consciousness, expanded awareness, mental clarity, and deeper insight into challenging emotions or negative thought patterns. 

In our sessions, you will be “bathed” in deep (HZ) hertz (healing) frequencies and tones depending on your needs.  Some needs can range from pain relief, guilt and fear, healing, releasing unwanted energies, transformation, and so much more. One will be energetically aligned, with the reset one gets from our sessions. 

45 minutes+

$375 +


Smudging is a powerful tool to release and clear any old left over and lingering negative or unwanted energy you have been carrying for just a time or years. Weather this energy is yours or from someone else.

​Smudging reconnects one back to self with grounding Native Healing Energy technique, allowing any negative thoughts or energy to be dispelled with a tabaco and sage cleanse. 

House and Property Clearings

Workplace Cleansing

Bussiness Cleansing 

Business Tune-Up

Are advaiable as well. 

​30 minutes+ 

$150 +



There are 7 main energy centers in the body that control the flow of the universal life force, they are the 7 major chakras. When chakras are blocked, the body becomes sick and the flow of energy becomes diluted. Reiki treatments open up the chakras, and enhance the flow of the universal life force and stimulates the flow of CHI energy around the body. 

Rei-Universal Life Force & Ki-Energy

Reiki rebalances and realigns your energy field, moving out the negative vibrational energy and replacing it with universal life force energy. This shift in energy leaves you feeling rebalanced rejuvenated and relaxed!

Reiki Process

Before we begin the session, your healing practiner will ask you if you're dealing with any issues so they know the best way to proceed. Then we’ll talk about what you’d like to receive during the healing - such as relaxation, clarity, pain relief or rejuvenation for example.

During the Reiki, you’ll lay on a massage table fully clothed and covered up with a sheet. Reiki is a gentle, non-invasive hands on technique. Your energy healer will start by lightly placing my hands on your head and work my way down your body. There are 14 different hand positions.

You lie on your back first, and then your energy healer will let you know when it’s time to turn over on your stomach so they can work on your back.

Relax and Receive Healing Energy

During the session you may fall asleep, or drift in and out of consciousness. You may feel tingling in your body or heat coming out of healers hands. Since Reiki moves energy blocks, an emotion such as sadness or anger may be released. I have tissues! You may have images or memories come up in your mind, that’s just the body and mind relaxing. As you allow yourself to let go and relax during the session, you’re more open to receive and feel the total relaxation of your body, mind and Spirit!

Reiki rebalances and realigns your energy field, moving out the negative vibrational energy and replacing it with universal life force energy. This shift in energy universal life force to bring about healing, balancing, and whatever is needed. Leaves you feeling rebalanced rejuvenated and relaxed!

35 minutes+ 

$250 +


Chromotherapy harmonizes one’s spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical health, to keep us aligned with self and our environment.  

This therapy is well known for being the most holistic and simplest method to heal and connect the mind, body, and soul.  

As each color gives us a certain amount of energy manifesting as creativity, motivation, happiness, or energy that relaxes our bodies, clears the mind of anxiety negativity, and stress, and gives us the ability to allow more conscious positive mindful decisions and a clear insight into our future direction.

​In our session, you simply come as you are, lay or sit in a quartz crystal sand basin under a Copper Gaza, within the necessary color. While lying or sitting you will be surrounded by healing vibrations and light, allowing your energy to open and release any unwanted energy to allow you to welcome positive energy within self.  

​60 minutes+

$245 +


Awaken your mind, body, soul, and chakras with this enlighting healing treatment. These sessions will reawaken your spirit, and raise your Kundalini. (lifes breath, chi, and energy) This therapy will help to place you back on track, clear your mind, reattune your chakras.

These bodywork treatments are done in a series of hours long sessions depending on the state of your aura and energy levels. Your Shamaness will evaluate you and determine the number of sessions required.

35 minutes+

$350 +


Balance, Align and Cleanse Your Chakras with Life Changing Energy. Meditation in a crystal pyramid has three times the power of regular meditation. Works as a bridge between the Absolute Energy and your personal Life Force. One of the most powerful tools to heal your chakras and harmonize your mind, body, and soul.

The crystal pyramid power is considered to have supernatural or paranormal properties. Pyramid has a special property to deflect any type of cosmic radiations that fall on its apex downwards through its baseline at the bottom where this deflected cosmic radiation, with the help of the magnetic field of Earth’s gravitational force, create a new and powerful bio-energy field within the pyramid boundaries. As the pyramid deflects all radiations that fall on its apex through its bottom from all of its four sides, the inner center of the pyramid remains unaffected and safe and surrounded by a powerful bio-energy field on all sides. Pyramids have a strong ionization effect within the body. Negative ions enhance the oxygen intake of the human body and through that, strengthen well-being. Meditating under a pyramid or just taking a nap under a pyramid helps to synchronize the seven chakras of the body.

90 minutes+

$450 +

• Reiki aims to balance the body’s flow of energy in an effort to ease stress, promote relaxation, and support the healing of persistent ailments.

• Chakra balancing is based on reading and discussing chakra blockages, then opening and balancing each chakra in order to remove the blockages, letting the energy flow freely through the body.

• Crystal healing: Practitioners position crystals and stones on certain points of the body, according to the placement of grounding spots, chakras, or energy grids. The aim is to balance the energy and promote a sense of calmness.

• Sound healing uses binaural beats called meditation sounds to boost serotonin and stimulate cells, helping to reduce the levels of negative energy in the client's body.


“The Reset”

Access Bars is a gentle touch hands-on alternative therapy technique.  The Bars are 32 points on the head that store the electromagnetic component of your thoughts, feelings, emotions, ideas, beliefs, considerations and any points of view you have had in your lifetime.  In a session we work on releasing any troubling emotion or belief that you have stored causing energy blocks.  It is an amazing technique. Feel the natural world around you and open your heart to willingly invite the spirit of Mother Nature. Feel in your heart the love and support that is available to you from The Universe. Mother Earth wrapping itself around you, taking root in your being. Reaching into those hidden part of you and taking root, opening the path to healing.

60 minutes+

$375 +


Burdens and responsibilities. Fear and repressed self-expression Grief, sorrow, and sadness Insecurity and powerlessness Guilt, shame, and unworthiness Inability to process emotions

Finding and releasing trapped emotions in our body can help speed up our healing, improve our overall health & wellness and make us feel more light & joyful.

45 minutes+

$425 +


Boot low energy, prevent bad energy, realease blocked energy and transform a body's aura.

Cleanses, recharges and balances the body's enengy.

45 minutes+

$575 +


A session of Intuitive energy healing will provide you with the answers you are seeking. Our energy practitioner has the training and highly developed intuition to select or combine the perfect energy healing modality to fit your needs. When you come to our spa for your session, our energy practitioner will work with you to listen to your needs and restore your energetic balance, while helping you feel more grounded, aware, and empowered. Some of the immediate benefits of this type of energy therapy are the promotion of harmony and balance within your auric field, sense of relaxation and release of physical and emotional tension, break down of energy blocks, a sense of body, mind, and spiritual balance, strengthening of your immune system, mental clarity, and improved focus, better sleep, emotional cleansing and acceleration of your body’s self-healing ability. Pair this powerful session with our recommended energy healing add-ons.

35 minutes+

$450 +


Pranic Healing is a highly effective form of energy healing therapy that uses various advanced techniques, protocols, and methods to strengthen, cleanse, and energy your innate Prana, or energy, in your chakras. This highly developed form of healing is used for treating current symptoms and conditions but also for maintaining a balanced and healthy body and to prevent potential chronic conditions in the future. Pranic Healing is done by experienced Pranic Healing practitioners who are trained to access and transmit the Universal Energy into the client’s body using: specific touch-free techniques, crystal tools, and color frequencies which are specific for treating and alleviating a wide variety of ailments and physical or emotional symptoms. When used in proper combination with medical care, Pranic Healing provides rapid healing and recovery. A Pranic Healing session consists of our practitioner scanning, cleansing, and energizing all your major chakras in need of energetic attention and closely following healing protocols (these protocols range from respiratory to gastrointestinal to skeletal and muscular disorders, improving relationships, anxiety, stress, to only name a few

60 minutes+

$345 +


Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT is a powerful holistic technique that resolves a range of issues. It's based on the combined principles of Ancient Chinese Acupressure and Modern Psychology. Research shows that tapping calms the amygdala in the brain, boosts the immune system, and puts the body back into the parasympathetic, (relaxation) nervous system response. This further allows the immune, digestive, reproductive, and endocrine systems to function as they should.

Reducing stress is vital on the journey to improving mental health and the good news is, it's within reach. Stress is linked to anxiety, weight gain, depression, chronic pain, diseases, stomach issues, sleep problems, lack of motivation.

55 minutes+

$365 +


Also known as the Journey Technique, your journey of transformation is a dynamic, inspirational, and innovative process in the field of personal growth and mind-body-healing. This technique allows you to get direct access to your soul, where you’ll find unconditional love, boundless peace, and tap into your essence. Your guide, Malina, will help you facilitate and access your inner wisdom. Give yourself the gift of awakening your own infinite potential and free yourself from limiting beliefs, enabling the manifestation of wellness. Malina will navigate you while you’re in a sitting position with your eyes closed and she will take you on an inner emotional journey to heal from lifelong emotional blocks, and be your best self. Prior to your Journey, we suggest a light meal and the avoidance of any alcohol or narcotics, as they will inhibit access to your emotions. Following your Journey, I suggest that you take time to rest and reflect, as a great deal of healing has taken place at a cellular level. Drink lots of water, eat light meals, continue to avoid alcohol and narcotics, and enjoy a warm bath with Epsom salts. These small acts of self-care will allow you to remain open for further growth and healing.

90 minutes+

$465 +


Past Life Clearing Energy work is all about getting to the root of the problem. Sometimes the problem lies past the scope of this life and into a previous life. Going in and clearing past life issues can help

45 minutes +

$375 +


We begin the session by identifying the root cause of your physical or emotional symptoms.

An energy healing session can jumpstart your life in new ways like…

• ​Helps reduce anxiousness, pain, and sadness

​• Helps you improve relationships, personal and professional

​• Removes blockages or imbalances that hold you back physically and emotionally

• ​​Helps get you in alignment with your highest possible outcome that can improve your finances

• Increased drive

• Make more money

• Freedom from pain and disease

​• Better performance in business or the arts

• ​Higher energy

• ​Deeper, more restful sleep

Today we rarely touch the bare ground or ocean to re-energize.

Microwaves, radio waves, and cell phones bombard us daily, disrupting our energy flow.

We’re hammered with negativity daily from all the news outlets, our daily commutes, and stress at work and home.

Constant negativity in our personal space really fills up our energetic container with low vibin negative energy that eventually effects our physical body. 

Energy healing has become more critical than ever because we’ve cut our ties to nature and its healing power.

Perhaps you need help with one of the four areas where people receive the most transformational healing:


Rebalancing your body’s energy can effectively treat serious illnesses like cancers and chronic conditions. It can promote overall wellness and immunity while restoring balance to the digestive and circulatory systems.

It helps to repair and reduce the pain of old muscle or skeletal injuries.


Your brain is almost pure energy. Trillions of electrical impulses transmit information throughout the neurons in the brain.

Sometimes we block the natural flow with negative thoughts, alcohol, or chemicals.

Clearing your mind and thoughts is the essence of energy healing therapy. An energy healer can help release internal roadblocks, such as letting go of old guilt feelings and regrets.

You can liberate yourself and develop a “success” mentality that steers you toward the abundance you deserve.

Energy healing works well for conquering fears and building confidence.  Often after a session is completed the recipient will notice that their mind is quiet. 


Your emotions are not random events or a product of your environment. The flow of energy guides them through your body. If these energy paths become blocked, we can become trapped with negative emotions.

Energy healing…

• clears these pathways

• leads to happier, more productive days

• eases the pain and releases anxiety

• provides and overall uptick in well being


Energy healing helps them continue their spiritual journey by giving their lives more profound meaning and an unshakable sense of purpose.

A single session can open doors to a higher understanding of themselves and the unseen world around us.


Energy healing can help you overcome many issues, including financial.

Let me ask you…

Are you experiencing illness more often?

Is it difficult to get a good sleep?

Do you have chronic pain or a serious health condition that Western medicine can’t cure?

​Are you having difficulties performing at peak levels at work or school?

​Do money troubles seem to follow you wherever you go?

​Are you stressed, anxious, and short-tempered all the time?

All these things stem from a disrupted energy flow in your body. It’s time for you to rebalance.


Every day we’re bombarded by external negativity. These crisscrossed signals deplete our body’s energy. The negativity gets inside and drags you down without you realizing it.

As our energy runs out, our minds become more negative.

Negative thoughts, feelings, and emotions become more common.

We even attract negative things into our lives… like illness and money troubles.

Things begin to snowball. Your attitude gets worse, leading to work or relationship issues.

Ultimately, your health and immune system suffer.


That pent-up negative energy affects the body and can manifest as disease, pain, emotional disorders, depression, or even psychological issues.

The easiest way to rid yourself of negative energy is to cleanse our energy body, much like when we take a shower to clean our physical body.

Energy healing is an opportunity for you to improve your life, no matter your circumstances.


Energy healing allows anyone to enjoy a happier and healthier life. Essentially, it makes a mind-body connection that helps you stay positive, even under challenging circumstances. It lets you relax, stay grateful, and maintain your physical and emotional wellness under constant stress.

Charka Spa Healing Center